Hard Boiled: The DiMarco Legacy

Just another Sims 3 Legacy Challenge Blog

  • Our Hero

    Angel DiMarco

    Angel DiMarco

    Lifetime Wish: To become a World Renowned Surgeon

    Currently working on: Reconciliation with a difficult childhood (or was it all in his head?)
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“Unplayable” Spooke and King4510411

I wanted to include Spooke’s DNA in my legacy family somehow without breaking the rules.  I could have simply used him for breeding stock, never married or brought him into the household (as he wouldn’t be able to generate points for me anyway), but I thought it might be more interesting to use his “game generated offspring” instead.   I knew he’d been getting along well with another gal from the forum’s SimMe, so I grabbed her and married the two of them in CAS.  Then I plopped them into a rather modest dwelling (because if the family became “rich,” they’d be off limits for legacy mates), made sure they had a couple cribs and an extra bed, and left them be, never again to be “played” — one of the hallmark rules of the challenge is that once your Legacy is started, you cannot switch to another active household!

I’ve been worried that the game would trash them somehow (or my worst fear, move them “away”) but so far, the experiment has been a success!  They love each other to bits despite Spooke’s Insanity and have three children, and King seems to get pregnant again fairly soon after each child is born.  They are regular attenders of birthday parties over at the legacy house. I can’t tell how old Spooke and King are now, but they have to be getting close to “Elder,” so this next baby might be the last one.

Here are some pics:

Visiting the happy family - that's toddler Leila in mom's arms.

Visiting the happy family - that's toddler Leila in mom's arms.

Didn’t manage to snap any child photos of Leila – she seemed to pass very quickly through that period (or maybe I was just too busy trying to find a mate for my aging founder!).  I also missed the baby photos of the next child, Vicente.

Vicente and my founder talking about the stars one evening.

Vicente and my founder talking about the stars one evening.

Realising how quickly the Prokor-Harmon kids were growing up, I made it a point to stay in closer contact with the family.  I was finally able to determine traits for the kids through conversation and questioning (a skill that comes with the Police career).  Leila is Good, Mean Spirited, a Virtuoso and Brave.   Vicente is a Light Sleeper, Can’t Stand Art and is also Brave.

Leila, already a teenager.

Leila, already a teenager.

Leila is a bit older than my heir, who is at this point also a teen, so we’ve been trying like crazy to convince her that he’s a candidate for boyfriend-ness before she grows up and moves away.. So far it’s not going so well. I just don’t think he’s her type. But we aren’t giving up yet! We invite the whole family to all our parties..

Spooke always begrudgingly brings waffles.. I wonder if she makes him do it?

Spooke always begrudgingly brings waffles.. I wonder if she makes him do it?

We make a point of visiting them at home as well.. we even went into labor in their nursery.

A panicked frenzy of arm bending.

A panicked frenzy of arm bending.

King and Carly were pregnant at the same time for the last round.  They spent a lot of time together, talking about their families and making silly with each other’s bellies.

Playful pregnant women with a side of hulk.

Playful pregnant women with a side of hulk.

Welcome Spooke & King’s child number three, a lovely girl named Mellissa.

Sweet little Mellissa.. If your big sister won't love us, maybe you will!

Sweet little Mellissa.. If your big sister won't love us, maybe you will.

— That’s all for now. I’ll post updates when King has her next baby & try to snap more in-between pics of the others too.


Update: July 1

I went back to the house today and King was no longer pregnant, but there wasn’t a new baby either. 😦  I’m not sure what happened, but I wonder if it might have something to do with the lack of real bed space in the house.. Ah well.   We did have some more of the strange rapid aging of the kids — I played my legacy house for one sim day, came back to the Harmon-Prokor house, and found this:

Leila had become a young adult. Too late to flirt with my teen heir. :\

Leila had become a young adult. Too late for my teen heir to flirt with her. 😦

She wasn’t being forthcoming with her new trait, but I’ll keep trying to figure it out. She is quite lovely, but at this rate she’ll hit menopause before my heir can seduce her. Bah!  The other kids had transitioned too..

Teen Vicente: one cool cucumber.

Teen Vicente: one cool cucumber.

Vicente is truly adorable, and might be striking up a romance with my heir’s little sister Giana. His new trait is Snob, but I think it only makes him seem more mysterious and appealing to her. I mean really, no other kid would be able to pull off wearing those pants.

You might be wondering, “why not just make Giana the heir and have her mate with Vicente?”  Well, I can’t because I was a dolt and limited myself to alternating genders for my heirs each generation, so  I must have a male heir this time.  Fiddlesticks. I might let them marry anyway though!

Finally, our (possibly) last chance mate had also grown up a little..

Mellissa, being held by Carly.

Mellissa, being held by Carly.

As you can see, baby Mellissa, on whom all our hopes are resting, has grown to toddlerhood. She has her mommy’s hair color and her eyes look either deep aqua or bright green depending on the light.  Since we’re Old Friends with the family now, they no longer consider it Inappropriate for us to hold, tickle, feed, snuggle or diaper-change their chitlins.   I tried to divine her toddler traits, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do that. Hoping for something good, but I’ll be satisfied if she just ages a bit slower than her sister did!


Update: July 5

I am victorious!!  I’ve managed to woo the lovely Leila Harmon-Prokor with a mere 4 days to spare before her Adult birthday. That’s plenty of time for baby makin’!

After utilizing all the tricks in his arsenal, Angel's proposal to Leila is accepted!

After utilizing all the tricks in his arsenal, Angel's proposal to Leila is accepted!

They had a well-attended wedding (although without a cake or arches) at the DiMarco house the next evening. Lots of people came and blocked most of the photos.. they threw rice at the back of the door, hooted, hollered and overall had a great time.

Exchanging vows and rings by the front door.

Exchanging vows and rings by the front door.

We discovered, much to our surprise, that our new lady of the house had the same lifetime wish as Carly: reach lvl 10 of Law enforcement/special agent branch. So this policework business was going to be a family tradition, it seems.  Leila’s traits: Good, Mean Spirited, Virtuoso, Brave, Childish.  She also came with level 3 in Painting and Charisma.

With Leila moving in the legacy house is now full, so working on generation 3 will have to wait a few days until the first set of teen twins ages up and can move out. During this time I hope to get her to a point in her career where she learns Question, so that she can work on reports while she’s pregnant and on maternity leave.


Vicente Prokor and Giana DiMarco enjoy a teenaged love affair.

Vicente Prokor and Giana DiMarco enjoy a teenaged love affair.

Beautiful young Mellissa has become a Friendly, Grumpy Loner.

Beautiful young Mellissa has become a Friendly, Grumpy Loner.

Spooke has become a creepy old man who won't take off his rubber gloves.

Spooke has become a creepy old man who won't take off his rubber gloves.

Oh, I forgot, Spooke has also advanced in his career. He’s now a Rock Star, and we have the option to “Worship” him when he comes to visit. 🙂

And Debbie/King has taken a job in the athletic career. She’s a Rabid Fan. She’s not an elder yet but I’m guessing it’ll be any day now, so no more kids are expected from those two.

The beauty that tamed the wild Spooke and helped secure a legacy for the DiMarco clan.

The beauty that tamed the wild Spooke and helped secure a legacy for the DiMarco clan.


Update: July 13

The passing of time has brought us some sad news and some cheery news.   First, after a long and full life, Spooke Prokor passed away while attending a slumber party at the legacy house.

Gee, I'm sleepy.. What's that strange tingling sensation?

Gee, I'm sleepy.. What's that strange tingling sensation?

Spooke was best friends (Old Friends, even) with 4 people in the house and we all knew he was getting on in age and couldn’t live forever.. But nobody expected it to happen at that particular moment. Not even Spooke, who begged pitifully for one more chance at living.

"But dude, we were just about to tell bedtime ghost stories!"

"But dude, we were just about to tell bedtime ghost stories!"

The strangest thing happened though. His urn did not disappear from the lot after the reaper took him, like has happened with every other neighbor sim who has died at the house.   It stayed there on the living room floor “in use” — I think it was the mourners, but I couldn’t be sure.   I wondered if King or one of the kids was going to come retrieve it.  I left it alone for a night. In the morning I thought I’d try picking it up again, and was able to move it…

Here lies Spooke Prokor, one crazy bastard.

Here lies Spooke Prokor, one crazy bastard.

So it appeared that Spooke’s earthly remains were now the property of the DiMarco legacy, to be watched over for generation after generation. We buried him in the family graveyard, out back under a big tree, wondering if his ghost would be returning to visit us.

Between this event and the earlier update, there’d been some more breeding and aging. We’ll start with Spooke’s children. I probably already botched any hope of chronological order, but this is sorta how it happened:

Mellissa had become a Snobby teen, just like her brother Vicente.

Mellissa had become a Snobby teen, just like her brother Vicente.

Vicente became a Young Adult with a peculiar sense of fashion...

Vicente became a Young Adult with a peculiar sense of fashion...

... and agreed to become engaged to his long-time girlfriend, Camilla DiMarco.

... and agreed to become engaged to his long-time girlfriend, Camilla DiMarco.

Leila was doing pretty well at her Law Enforcement job, but then she got pregnant and spent her days rocking out in a silly cop hat.

Leila was doing pretty well at her Law Enforcement job, but then she got pregnant and spent her days rocking out in a silly cop hat.

I think here is about where the flood of Spooke grandbabies began. First, there was Bianca.

Leila orchestrated her own trip to the hospital to meet her first child.

Leila orchestrated her own trip to the hospital to meet her first child.

Leila with Bianca, her Friendly and Neurotic firstborn daughter.

Leila with Bianca, her Friendly and Neurotic (and cross-eyed) firstborn daughter.

The two families remained pretty close through this period and formed many friendships across the generations. Spooke and Bianca became best friends by the time she hit Childhood.. In fact, her relationship with him was higher than with her parents.  Imagine our surprise when she developed the Insane trait at her birthday.

Thanks a lot, grandpa.

Thanks a lot, grandpa.

Spooke died at a slumber party that Bianca threw while a child, so imagine that event occurring right about here someplace. King was still alive, but an elder.

Vicente moved into the legacy house briefly so that he could marry Camilla and she could take his last name, but I screwed that up somehow and he became a DiMarco anyway. Bah. The newlyweds were moved out with the Move/Kick function and found themselves a little house on the other side of town. At our last sighting Camilla was pregnant, so we will have a new grandchild to report soon.

Mellissa aged to Young Adult and took a job in the Science career just as Leila & Angel were expecting their second child.

Young Adult Mellissa Harmon: Friendly, Grumpy, Loner, Snob, Clumsy. Oh dear.

Young Adult Mellissa Harmon: Friendly, Grumpy, Loner, Snob, Clumsy. Oh dear.

Ghost Spooke did indeed come inside to visit quite frequently. He ate ethereal bugs, stared at inanimate objects, and played on the computer while the family slept.  Leila took her father’s death harder than we thought she would (her relationship with him was lower than anyone elses when he passed) and became quite depressed. She encountered his ghost one night and the two of them talked for hours,  catching up on all the things that had been happening with the family.

Even in death, Spooke loves the pregnant ladies.

Even in death, Spooke loves the pregnant ladies.

It was all quite sweet, and cheered Leila up a great deal (she wasn’t really happy while pregnant, or caring for small children for that matter).  Leila turned to go inside, took a few steps, and stopped..

And then Leila went into labor with Spooke's second grandchild.

And then Leila went into labor with Spooke's second grandchild.

The new baby, another girl, seemed to have a more healthy start than her big sister despite all the misery her mom was in — Megan DiMarco was granted the Virtuoso and Genius traits.

Megan, happy with no hints of mental disorder!

Megan, happy with no hints of mental disorder!

Time passed quickly then with little photographic evidence. I think whenever I have a crying pupa in the house everything else sort of blurs out for me.  But Bianca aged to Teen, Megan to Child, and the third and final Angel & Leila Spooke grandbaby was born.

Teen Bianca adopts the family Workaholic trait.

Teen Bianca adopts the family Workaholic trait.

The star of the family, Megan develops Brave like her mom and grandmom.

The star of the family, Megan develops Brave like her mom and grandmom.

Named as a tribute to his legacy founding grandmother, little Carl Dimarco is a Heavy Sleeper and Loves the Outdoors.

Named as a tribute to his legacy founding grandmother, little Carl DiMarco is a Heavy Sleeper and Loves the Outdoors.

Finally, we got the popup that King ‘wasn’t going to be around forever,’ so we invited her over for tea.  She made it as far as the mailbox..

And so passes Debbie Harmon, beloved friend, wife, mother and grandmother.

And so passes Debbie Harmon, beloved friend, wife, mother and grandmother.

I hadn’t managed to “greet” her yet, and when she left her urn it was unselectable and vanished immediately after the Grim Reaper took her.   She didn’t beg or grovel, just stood in thought a moment, then shook his hand gracefully, and then they turned and were gone. =(  I was hoping that it would let me grab her remains so she could be buried next to her Spooke, but I couldn’t.

So much for that update! My notes to self for next time: Go check on other grandbabies in the ‘hood (Camilla & Vicente, especially); find out what happens when people die and they aren’t at home (where are King’s remains & can we visit her ghost?).

3 Responses to ““Unplayable” Spooke and King4510411”

  1. Tessa Lutz said

    She is still beautiful. 🙂 I love your family. 🙂

  2. 1divasmind said

    You have a talent for writing! This is great. 🙂

  3. arborfamilylegacy said

    It’s really fun how you are following the family and intertwining them with your legacy.

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